Saturday, February 28, 2009

Starting to look like a Five Guys - Marlborough pictures

We're getting there -- I took these pictures at our Marlborough store this morning.   The DCM guys were laying tile (and they were perfectionists about it) when we got there around 10am.  The progress in the last 2 weeks has been pretty incredible.

This is a shot from the front of the restaurant - you're looking at what will be the seating area as seen from the front, and on the left is the counter.  If you've seen the Dedham store, it's basically the same layout.

This is the grill area -- no sizzling yet, but there will be.  The guys were also working on some of the ventilation/duct work behind it while we were there this morning.

Fries, anyone?  One thing's for certain: we have plenty of baskets.  We paid up for the higher volume units (4, not 3) in anticipation of more hungry customers than the average store in the chain.

Our walk-in cooler.  For some reason, this piece of hardware made it feel like a restaurant more than any other that we had installed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

19 more locations?! That's great. Say do you have your architect chosen for your future expansions? I am with a firm that specializes in restaurant & retail - registered in 50 states, we'd love to give you a proposal, as we'd be a great fit for 5 Guys work. Love to send you more info on CMA.

Adam Eggert